Customer Journey

Lisa is extremely active and is in great physical condition. However, there are stubborn fat deposits on her abdomen and inner thighs that she can't seem to get rid of. CoolSculpting treatment is ideal for this exact scenario!


Before treatment, the physician examines the areas where the excess fat is located and marks them so that the applicators of the CoolSculpting machine can be applied with precision. The size of the applicator used depends on the zone to be treated. Smoothline offers Dual CoolSculpting, meaning that two zones can be treated simultaneously, thus saving time and resources.


The zone to be treated is first cleaned thoroughly and covered completely with a gel pad to protect the skin from the effects of the cold temperatures. Next, the machine is applied to the previously marked areas, cooling them to -8°C – the temperature at which fat freezes – for 35 minutes. Immediately after treatment, the area is vigorously massaged for two minutes to stimulate the metabolism and encourage the decomposition of fat. Results appear within two to three months.


As a result of the CoolSculpting treatment, Lisa's stomach is visibly firmer and flatter. Lisa's verdict: "I'm so happy and now feel totally comfortable in my own skin!"

The CoolSculpting treatment on Lisa's inner thighs was effective: on the left are the inner thighs before the treatment with a clear curve, on the right the curve is now flattened and the inner thigh line has become much straighter.