Circles under the eyes
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There are various reasons why dark circles develop under the eyes as we age. The main causes include the loss of subcutaneous fatty tissue around the lower eyelids and the loss of bone around the eye sockets.

How do circles under the eyes develop?

There are various reasons why dark circles develop under the eyes as we age. The main causes include the loss of subcutaneous fatty tissue around the lower eyelids and the loss of bone around the eye sockets. A “tear trough” forms in the central area of the lower eye sockets and depressions form at the sides. Both phenomena appear as loss of fullness under the eyes, which in an everyday context is often associated with a tired and lifeless appearance.

How can eye circles be treated?

Loss of fullness under the eyes can be treated with a filler. Very fine cannulas with rounded tips are used instead of needles to make treatment especially gentle. This makes treatment practically painless, and afterwards clients can resume their usual activities with no restrictions.

How soon after treatment can I resume my everyday activities?

The treatment lasts 30 minutes in total (consultation, information, preparation and administration of treatment) and you can then resume your usual activities with no restrictions on your social life. Any needle-entry points that remain visible for a short time can easily be hidden with make-up.

What do I need to be aware of after treatment with fillers?

The treatment is generally well tolerated. The doctor discusses possible side effects individually with the client before every treatment. They are generally mild and do not last long. Possible side effects include small, temporary bruises and brief redness or swelling at the injection site. Blood-thinning medicines such as aspirin should not be taken during the week before treatment as this may increase the risk of bruising. We also advise against treatment during pregnancy.

Tatjana’s treatment outcome

By treating Tatjana’s face as a whole, it was possible to improve her jaw line and the circles under her eyes by contouring her cheekbones and reducing the nasolabial fold. Once these changes, which were due to the natural process of aging, had been rectified, the excess skin and the tear trough under her eyes were better defined and could be treated specifically. The circles under her eyes are now not only greatly reduced – Tatjana’s face looks generally fresher and more relaxed and her skin quality has substantially improved as a result of the treatments with hyaluronic acid products.

Tatjana's Customer Journey

Tatjana looks younger than her years. But she is bothered by the dark rings under her eyes and would like to do something about them. Read Tatjana’s Customer Journey to see how we managed this.

What fillers are

Fillers are materials that are injected into the tissue to compensate for material loss associated with the natural aging process. Fillers are mostly used to "fill in" wrinkles. The fillers that we use at Smoothline are based exclusively on fully degradable, natural hyaluronic acid.